Friday, December 22, 2017

Past Walks to Cure Arthritis | Caminatas de Artritis del Pasado

The Arthritis Foundation has had a special place in my heart since 2015. I started off with the Walk to Cure Arthritis 2015 and since then I have not missed one at all!

 La fundacion de Artritis (The Arthritis Foundation) tiene un lugar muy especial en mi corazon desde el 2015. En el 2015, fue la primera ves que hice algo con esta fundacion y empece con las caminatas para curar artritis. Desde ese año, nunca me he perdido una caminata. 

For my 1st year being involved with the foundation, I gathered my team to walk with me and I had the pleasure of meeting Kaitlyn Grace in person (Met her through Instagram simply because she saw I posted about my JRA and because we live in the same city). This walk changed MY LIFE!

Por la primera ves, empece mi equipo Fighting with Paula (Luchando con Paula) y conocí por primera ves a Kaitlyn Grace. La conoci por mi pagina de Instagram porque vio que sufro de artritis reumatoide juvenil como ella y vivimos en la misma cuidad. La primera persona que conocí en persona que sufre de la misma enfermedad. Esa caminata cambio MI VIDA! 

For these walks, being a Team Captain means getting a team together and raising as much money as you can to help find a cure for arthritis.

Para estas caminatas, mi deber como capitán de un equipo es buscar personas para participar en mi equipo y con la ayuda de ellos, recaudar fondos para ayudar encontrar un cura. 

Walk to Cure Arthritis 2015
Caminata Para Curar Artritis 2015
My Incredible Boyfriend
Mi novio 💚💙

Meeting Kaitlyn for the 1st Time
Conociendo a Kaitlyn por la Primera Ves
Walk to Cure Arthritis 2015
Caminata Para Curar Artritis 2015
Fighting with Paula Team 2015
Equipo Luchando con Paula 2015

I decided to be creative and find a fun way to raise money for my team. I teamed up with my Zumba Instructor and she had a master class, which all the proceeds went to the Arthritis Foundation under my Team name.

Quería buscar una forma creativa para recaudar fondos. Hable con mi instructora de Zumba y hizo una clase grande que todos los fondos eran para la fundación. Esos fondos estubieron a nombre de mi equipo. 

With the Zumba Instructors for the Fundraiser
Con los instructores para la Clase

Fighting with Paula-Stronger than Arthritis Zumba Fundraiser
Luchando con Paula-Mas Fuerte que Artritis Clase de Zumba

For the 2016 walk, I gathered my team again and raised money once again. 

Para la caminata del 2016, hice lo mismo y recaude fondos con mi equipo.

Fighting with Paula Team 2016
Equipo Luchando con Paula 2016
This year for the 2017 walk, it had to be the best one yet! I was named the Young Adult Honoree!! It has been one of the best experiences ever. I had a goal of $3,500 to raise with my team and at first I honestly had no idea how to raise all that money. Well guess what! My team and I surpassed by goal with the help of teammates, donations and of course another incredible master class my Zumba instructor had for me! 

Este año para la caminata del 2017, tuvo que ser la mejor de todas. La fundación de artritis me nombraron como la homenajeada para los jóvenes! Esa experiencia fue una de las mejores que he tenido con la fundación. Tenia una meta de recaudar 3,500 dólares con mi equipo. Al principio no sabia como iba a recoger tanto dinero, pero con la ayuda de mi equipo y la gente que dono dinero y con mi instructora de zumba lo logramos. Hasta pase mi meta! 

Fighting with Paula-Stronger than Arthritis Zumba Fundraiser
Luchando con Paula-Mas Fuerte que Artritis Clase de Zumba

Fighting with Paula- Stronger than Arthritis Zumba Fundraiser
Luchando con Paula-Mas Fuerte que Artritis Clase de Zumba

Fighting with Paula-Stronger than Arthritis Zumba Fundraiser
Luchando con Paula-Mas Fuerte que Artritis Clase de Zumba

2017 Walk to Cure Arthritis Honorees
Las Homenajeadas de la Caminata 2017
With my Parents and Family - 2017 WTCA
Con mis Padres y Familiares - Caminata 2017

Fighting with Paula 2017 Team
Equipo Luchando con Paula 2017

For information on the 2018 Walk to Cure Arthritis or to learn how to donate on my team page for next year, go on my 2018 Walk to Cure Arthritis-Caminata de Artritis 2018 Page! 

Para información sobre la Caminata para Curar Artritis del 2018 o si quieren ayudar recaudar fondos con mi equipo visiten mi pagina que dice - 2018 Walk to Cure Arthritis-Caminata de Artritis 2018 - en la pagina principal de mi blog! 

-Paula Valencia 
   *Stronger than Arthritis* 
   *Mas Fuerte que el Artritis*

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Making 12 Years with JRA | Cumpliendo 12 años con Artritis Reumatoide Juvenil

Hey Everyone,

     Today is a very special day. Many wouldn't think its special, but I do. 12 years ago today I was diagnosed with JRA. Even though my JRA is a chronic illness, I have learnt that I have to be positive about it and see the good things it brings. I have suffered a lot in these 12 years. From the moment I was diagnosed I had no idea what it was or what it meant. I was only 11 at that time and now that I'm 23 years old, I am using my JRA to help others in any possible way. Even though I have lived with my JRA for 12 years, I've only been open about my JRA for 3 years. Back in 2015, a really wise man told me that I shouldn't let my JRA bring me down or be ashamed of what I have. JRA is a part of me and it makes who I am and even though it's a chronic illness and I went through a lot growing up with this, it made me who I am today. I'm proud to say that man is my wonderful and amazing boyfriend. He has played a big role in what I've done with my JRA. He has been very supportive and understanding because he deals with someone who he loves at home dealing with the same illness. His mother, my mother-in-law also suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am not saying its a good thing that he has dealt with it at home, it has just made it easier for him to understand what my daily life consists of. Having someone besides my family understand what I go through makes it feel a little more "normal" living with chronic illness and I have to thank HIM for helping me open up about my JRA. If it wasn't for him encouraging me and pushing me to be open I wouldn't have been involved with my wonderful Arthritis Foundation and just be open about it on social media.
My Boyfriend
Mi Novio
It took a lot out of me to be open because when I was younger I was bullied due to being "different" then the rest of the kids. Being pushed around and laughed at because I would walk funny or I had "weird" things on my hands or feet, which made me shut down and not tell anyone why I was "different". In these 3 years of being open about my life I have attended 3 Walk to Cure Arthritis Walks in Long Island with the Arthritis Foundation and I have attended 2 different Juvenile Arthritis Conferences in 2 different states. In these 3 years I have met incredible people that play a huge role in my life. I have met so many people have JRA or RA and have communicated with them because we can all relate some way. Meeting these people in person or by social media has made me realized that speaking up about my life with this illness has made me feel like I found my place. I feel like I do belong somewhere and I don't feel alone. The fact that speaking up has helped someone in some way or another, even if it was by encouraging them to join the Arthritis Foundation or even if its to attend one of their events, it makes me feel great that one day they won't feel like they're alone. I hope that in the next years, I can continue to meet other incredible warriors and be able to connect and help others not feel alone. I regret not speaking up earlier about my JRA, but I cherish that because it made me be more involved now that I know how to live with it! Today, I have actually received incredible news that I will be meeting via video chat the people that run a foundation for kids with arthritis in Chile! The fact people are taking the time to meet with me even if its via Skype, I will be able to spread my story to others in ANOTHER COUNTRY! Perfect way to celebrate my 12 year anniversary! Here's to many more and to see how far I can go with helping others!!
Kaitlyn Grace 1st person I met with JRA
Kaitlyn Grace -La primera persona que conocí con JRA
Honorees from this year's walk
Homenajeadas de la caminata de este año

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on here if not email me at 

-Paula Valencia 
   *Stronger than Arthritis* 

Hola Todos, 
     Hoy es un dia muy especial. Muchos pensaran que no es un dia especial, pero para mi si es. Hace 12 anos en el dia de hoy me diagnosticaron con Arthritis Reumatoide Juvenil. Aunque JRA es una enfermedad crónica, he aprendido que debo ver el lado positivo de esta enfermedad. He pasado por mucho dolor y sacrificios y muchas lagrimas en estos 12 años. Muchos momentos con mi doctora con buenas noticias y momentos con malas noticias. Desde el momento que me diagnosticaron, a la edad de 11 años, uno no entiende que tiene o que va pasar con una enfermedad. A esa edad un niño o niña no deben estar procupados de que va pasar. Ya que tengo 23 años, trato de ver lo positivo de esta enfermedad y trato de hacer todo lo que pueda para ayudar a otros. Solo llevo 3 años que hablo sobre mi enfermedad. En el 2015, un hombre me hablo mucho de que no puedo dejar que mi enfermedad me detenga. Antes, me debe dar fuerzas para ayudar a otros y poder usar mis experiencias para contar mi historia. El me dijo que mi enfermedad me hizo quien soy hoy. Con mucha alegría puedo decir que ese hombre es mi novio. El me ha ayudado en todo lo que hago cuando se trata de mi JRA. El me dio la fuerza de buscar como participar con la fundacion de artritis acá en los Estados Unidos. Lo que también lo ha ayudado entender que es vivir con una enfermedad crónica es que su mama, mi suegra también tiene Artritis Reumatoide. Gracias a el, he podido hablar de mi historia con esta enfermedad por mis redes sociales. Antes del 2015, no hable de mi enfermedad porque cuando estaba en la escuela recien diagnosticada, los niños me hacían bullying. Los niños se reían de mi porque caminaba diferente o porque usaba equipos que me ayudaban caminar. Cuando pase por todo eso, le coji miedo de hablar de mi enfermedad. Pensaba que nadie me iba a entender o que todos se iban a burlar de mi por ser "diferente" que los demás. En los 3 años que llevo hablando sobre mi enfermedad, he participado en 3 caminatas de la fundación de artritis y he participado en 2 conferencias que han sido en 2 estados diferentes. 
Kids 11-12 years old with JRA
Niños con la edad de 11-12 años que sufren de Artritis Reumatoide Juvenil
También, he conocido mucha gente que tienen un lugar especial en mi corazón. He conocido muchos por redes sociales y muchos en los eventos que he participado con la fundacion. Con todo lo que he hecho en estos 3 anos, puedo decir que me ha cambiado la vida. Por fin me siento completa y no me siento "sola". Con tantos años pensando que yo era la única con esta enfermedad y ahora ver cuantos niños he conocido con esta enfermedad que también están pasando por lo mismo que vivi. Espero que pueda ayudar muchos y hacerlos ver que NO ESTAN SOLOS y que TODO VA ESTAR BIEN. 
Young Adults with JRA that I've met
Jóvenes con Artritis Reumatoide Juvenil que he conocido
Hoy en mi aniversario, me dieron las buenas noticias que por Skype voy a conocer personas que trabajan en la Corporación de pacientes pediatricos con Artritis Juvenile en CHILE!! Los logros siguen y lo único que quiero es poder ayudar a cualquier niño o adulto que necesiten mi ayuda. Espero que les pueda enseñar a todos como una niña que ahora es una adulta vive con una enfermedad crónica. Espero que mi testimonio llegue a un nivel mundial y sea una ayuda para otros. 

Si tienen cualquier pregunta o quieren saber mas, por favor me pueden escribir en mis comentarios o sino, me pueden mandar un correo electrónico a

-Paula Valencia

   *Mas Fuerte que el Artritis*

Thursday, November 30, 2017

What is JRA | Que es Artritis Reumatoide Juvenil

Hey everyone,

It's been a little while since I posted something on here due to technical difficulties, but I promise I will post more often! This post will be explaining what type of arthritis I suffer from. Juvenile arthritis (JA) is an umbrella term that is used to describe the many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions in a child. These are pediatric rheumatic diseases that develop in children under the age of 16. Shockingly, JA affects about 300,000 children here in the United States. Under this umbrella term, I personally fall under Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). When I was first diagnosed back in 2005, at the age of 11, JRA would fall under just that term. Today, JRA falls under the term Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). JRA/JIA is considered the most common form of arthritis. Even though someone can be diagnosed with JRA/JIA, there are six subtypes that a child can fall under. These six subtypes are: Oligoarthritis, Polyarthritis, Systemic, enthesitis-realted, juvenile psoriatic arthritis, or undifferentiated. Under my JRA I fall under Polyarticular RF positive. This means that it affects me in many joints. It involves 5 or more joints, including legs, arms, neck, and even the jaw. I have it in my fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, toes, back, and shoulders. Practically EVERYWHERE. Many ask me what causes JRA or how they can avoid it. Answer is that there is no known cause at the moment. There has not been any evidence on what could possibly cause this, especially in children. Some research points towards a genetic predisposition to JA, which means the combination of genes a child receives from his or her parents may cause the onset of JA when triggered by other factors. But overall, there is no concrete answer to the major cause. It is hard living with an illness that is very tough, but I try to do as much as I can in order to have more of a "normal" life. It is hard, but the best thing you can do is see the positive about dealing with an illness. It is a disability, but that does not mean you can't live the life you want to.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on here if not email me at 

-Paula Valencia 
   *Stronger than Arthritis* 

Hola todos,

No he escrito muy seguido, pero desde hoy voy a estar escribiendo mas sobre mi vida. Esta publicación va explicar el tipo de artritis que tengo. Artritis Juvenil (JA) es un termino que usan todos para explicar las enfermedades autoinmune e inflamatorias que les dan a los niños. Estas enfermedades se les dicen juvenil a los niños que son diagnosticados antes de los 16 años. Aquí en los Estados Unidos, Artritis Juvenil afecta 300,000 niños. Yo estoy diagnosticad con Artritis Reumatoide Juvenil (JRA). Desde el 2005 a la edad de 11 años, JRA solo se conocía con ese titulo. Hoy en día, JRA es muy conocida por Artritis Idiopática Juvenil (JIA). JRA/JIA son considerado los tipos de artritis juvenil mas comúnes. Entre el diagnostico, un niño puede caer en uno de los seis subtipos que son: Oligoartritis, Poliartritis, Sistémica, Enthesitis-related, Artritis Psoriático Juvenil, o indiferenciado. En mi diagnostico, yo caigo en Poliarthritis o Poliarticulo Positivo. Esto significa que el artritis me afecta en varias articulaciones. Cuando a uno lo diagnostican con Poliatriculo positivo el artritis esta afectando mas de 5 articulaciones. A mi, el artritis me afecta las manos, dedos, muñecas, rodillas, tobillos, pies, codo, la espalda y hombros. Prácticamente EN TODOS LADOS. Mucha gente me pregunta que son las causas de JRA/JIA o que pueden hacer para evitar que les de artritis. Mi respuesta es que no hay una causa conocida en estos momentos. No se sabe porque a la gente les da cualquier tipo de artritis, pero están haciendo muchos estudios para poder encontrar una cura y saber cual es la causa. Hay unos estudios que están mirando si tiene que ver con una predisposición genetica, eso significa si hay una combinación de genes que recibe un niño de sus padres, que puede hacer que aparezca la enfermedad. Puede ser que unos factores especificos ayuden a que coja ventaja la enfermedad. Pero desafortunadamente, no hay una causa especifica ni una cura. Es duro vivir con una enfermedad tan fuerte pero trato de hacer todo lo que pueda para tener una vida lo mas normal posible. Es difícil pero uno tiene que ver lo positivo de una enfermedad. Es una discapacidad pero eso no significa que uno no puede vivir la vida que uno quiere.

Si tienen cualquier pregunta o quieren saber mas, por favor me pueden escribir en mis comentarios o sino, me pueden mandar un correo electrónico a

-Paula Valencia

   *Mas Fuerte que el Artritis*

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Future Posts/Sobre mis Publicaciones

Hey Everyone,

From now on I will be posting all my posts both in English and in Spanish. This is very important to me because I am bilingual and when I was first diagnosed, my parents had no one to turn to in order to understand what I was going through. They don’t speak English so they had no way in communicating with other people that spoke their language. I want to be able to help as many people as possible in the languages I know. This is another reason why I feel so passionate about spreading awareness and talking about my own struggles and how my life has been with my JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis). Plus, I want to have many different readers that I may be able to help or just educate on something that affects 53 million adults and 300,000 children in America.
 - If anyone has any questions, feel free to comment or email me at

- Paula Valencia

Hola todos,

Desde hoy voy a empezar a publicar todo en Ingles y en Español. Yo pienso que es muy importante publicar en mi dos idiomas porque puedo enseñarles y explicarle a mucha gente. Esto es muy importante porque mis padres tuvieron mucha dificultad entender que era mi enfermedad. Ellos no tuvieron a nadie para conversar o poder entender como padres que era tener un hijo con Artirits Reumatoide Juvenil. Por eso quiero ayudar a muchos poder entender que es esta enfermedad y explicar como me afecta todo los días. Quiero que mucha gente entienda que artritis reumatoide Juvenile no es algo muy extraño o que no existe. Aquí en los Estados Unidos hay un total de 53 millones de adultos y 300,000 niños sufriendo de un tipo de artritis (hay un total de 100 tipos de artritis, unos más severos que otros). Solo porque la gente no sabe de esto no significa que no existe. Yo soy un ejemplo de esos 300,000 niños que sufren de JRA.
- Si alguien tiene cualquier pregunta, me pueden dejar un comentario o me puden escribir a mi correo electrónico

- Paula Valencia

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Who I Am and My Diagnosis Story

My name is Paula Valencia and I'm 23 years old. Welcome to my first blog. I decided to start a blog because on my social media I speak up a lot about my daily struggles and fights. I may look like a "normal" person, but I have an INVISIBLE DISABILITY. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 11. I was diagnosed in what's now called the Cohen Children's Medical Center in Long Island Jewish hospital in New Hyde Park. I was just starting middle school so it was definitely a hard time starting a new bigger school and dealing with an illness I had no idea what it was. Growing up, I was a very active kid. I played multiple sports from basketball, karate, swimming, and dance. I was constantly running around and was always super active. I started feeling symptoms when my right ankle started bothering me while playing sports. My mother took me to the doctor and I took X-rays and the pediatrician said I must have sprained my ankle to take it easy with the sports for a little. Once I was cleared to play sports again I was playing all the sports like as if nothing had happened. From then on I started randomly feeling pain on my ankle, but since I knew it was because I had sprained it I ignored it. After a few months my little brother was only 7 at the time hit my hand my accident and my knuckles swelled up really bad. I remember feeling the pain when he hit it and it was unbearable. I ran to my mother and showed her and she worried right away. We went to the pediatrician and she asked me how I hurt my hand and I told her. Once I was done she asked me how my ankle was doing and I told her that it would still hurt. She right away said I needed to get blood work done and told my mom and I she was referring us to the hospital in order to get more test done because it just seemed off that my little brother could've caused such a bad injury when he is 4 years younger than me. The day came and we went to the hospital. They looked over the blood work my pediatrician had done at her office and then they examined me. They examined my entire body from head to toe and ran more blood tests. I had no idea what was going on. Once she finished, she told my mother that I had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and that it had to be treated immediately. My mom was super anxious and worried and started asking questions regarding what JRA was. The doctor was explaining to my mom who was in tears what it was and I remember my mom asking if I was going to die. Not knowing what was going on I started to worry and started crying because I just didn't understand and the pain was really bad after everything that doctor did to examine me. The doctor had finally calmed my mom down and all my mom did was hold me while the doctor explained to me what I had. At that age all I understood was that I had an illness that caused a lot of pain if it wasn't treated. They explained to me that I would be put on medication and that I am very lucky to have gone to them when I did because if I would’ve taken a month longer, I would’ve been in a wheelchair. The doctor told me that the illness was progressing very fast and that if I wanted to play my sports again I would have to take all my medication every single day. I agreed and from that day forward it was a few rough months to get used to my new lifestyle. I was on many medications from Naproxen, Prednisone, Methotrexate, Enbrel and many more. That year I had the most depressing holidays because I wasn’t able to walk or do anything. My Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis made me change the way I lived my life. I never had a normal childhood because I was very limited on what I was capable of doing especially when it came to everyday tasks. I wasn't able to do things like shower on my own, put my clothes on, walk, grab a spoon and lifting my arm to reach my mouth, etc. and had my parents doing everything for me. It was never easy. As the years went by, I learned how to try my best to live a normal life. It took me a couple of years to get back on playing any sport. It's hard for people to understand that I have an illness. 12 years later, I am doing everything I want to do. I played sports and did many activities in high school and now I try my best to stay active the best way I can. Staying active has helped me manage my JRA and I do not let it stop me. There are times where I do get upset because my JRA starts acting up a bit, but I do not let it get to me. It has been a rough struggle, but I have managed to go through all the flare ups I’ve had to having no pain at all for a long time. I was in remission for about a year and I was able to lower most of my medication. I was down to taking my Enbrel every other week and taking Naproxen only when needed. In March, I was having a rough time and got bad news from my Rheumatologist. My Enbrel, which was the greatest medication I had been on was not doing anything to my body anymore. For the first time in the 12 years, my treatment was not working. I was switched to Humira and till this day, my body is not 100% okay. I still deal with random flareups as well as random stiffness and times where my body can't move on it's own without help of someone else. I’ve been through a lot to get to where I am right now, but I try my best not to lose hope and not give up. Dealing with JRA is not easy. I may look completely "normal", but I do have an invisible disability that slows me down at times. I hope that with this blog, I can teach many of you what it's like to live with an invisible disability as well as an autoimmune disease. This is my story of my diagnosis as well as how I managed my JRA a bit. Future posts will explain more of what JRA is and how it affects my daily life. 
If anyone has any questions feel free to comment or email me :) 

- Paula Valencia